Monday, July 9, 2012

Cake anyone?

Emily's birthday is on july 11th, and our human won't be here to celebrate it! So we decided to have the party today!

 Before she opened any presents we had delicious ice cream sundaes
 The first present she opened was a leotard! But, she doesn't have any ballet shoes?
 Of course she had to take a picture with it again.......
 She also got a hershey's bar,
 A CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!
 But, the best gift of all was,
 Ballet shoes.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Yesterday, I saw that it was windy, so I totally had to fly my kite! I decided to fly it near the house so it wouldn't get stuck in a tree.

 I got the kite flyin' real high!
 Since my human is so tall I asked her to take a close up picture of the kite.

Coconut had a fun time watching me fly the kite, too.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Hotel

Hey! I had a wonderful vacation! I got to stay in the coolest hotel, and of course, I had to take pictures of it!

Here's the TV and desk area,
Here's where I slept,
 But after 2 weeks, it was time to go home.


(sorry about the lighting, it was dark when I took the pictures)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just to let you know......

                        Hey guys! I don't have any new pictures to show you but I promise to put some up of hotel that I'm staying at while my human is away. Oh, and my human promised to show you guys some pictures of her trip to Alaska, also she'll be visiting the Georgell doll shop! I think since my birthday's comin' up, she might get me some stuff! Well gtg I want to go sightseeing on my moped!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Roller Blading

Today I decided to go roller blading, but it was hot. I went anyway. Emily, my sister, even watched.

I was doing great!

Until I tried to show of to Emily! Ouch!
After I got back up and dusted my self off, I begged Emily to try to roller blade.

And I got her to do it!

Well thats all for today, Hopefully I will be able to blog and show you some pictures of my human's trip to Alaska and Utah!

The new blog Paige's Pages!

 Hey guys it's Paige! I'm from the youtube channel theAGartist. I have wanted to make a blog so bad, and i finally did! I want to thank Pleasant Piper for giving my the inspiration to make a blog! So here are some photos from a photo shoot!